Introducing the Kaharagian National Identity Card

From May 1st, the Kaharagian government proudly presents the innovative Kaharagian National Identity Card, a groundbreaking solution for verifying nationality and authenticating identity. Specially crafted for Kaharagian nationals, this card is not obligatory for non-residents but remains a highly beneficial document for those who opt to acquire it. The card boasts a premium-quality photograph, the cardholder’s signature, and crucial personal details such as name, date of birth, and nationality status. It is worth noting that this inaugural edition of the card carries a two-year expiration period.

The front (left) and back (right) of the National Identity Card

Designed with an unwavering commitment to security and dependability, the Kaharagian National Identity Card integrates cutting-edge security features to safeguard cardholders’ personal data and thwart fraudulent activities. The card’s resilient design and materials make counterfeiting a daunting task, thus ensuring the protection of your identity. The primary objective of the Kaharagian National Identity Card is to establish the cardholder’s nationality status and authenticate their identity.

Commencing May 1st, Kaharagian nationals can apply for their National Identity Card via the official Principality of Kaharagia ePortal, which will become accessible to nationals around the end of April. The application process entails the submission of personal information, a recent photograph, and your signature. Additionally, valid supporting documents must be presented to verify your nationality and identity.

The application and Processing Fee will be $20.00 USD. Kaharagian Nations should keep a lookout in their emails for access to the ePortal website.

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