Royal Decree No. 2/2023 of the 12th of February 2023 on the establishment of the official Pantone color for ‘Kaharagian Yellow’ as PMS 123 C and addressing practical limitations in colour reproduction

By the Grace of God,
Prince of Kaharagia, etc.,

WHEREAS, We discern the cultural importance and symbolic significance of Kaharagian Yellow in representing the unity, tradition, and heritage of Our noble realm of Kaharagia;

And WHEREAS, the establishment of an official Pantone colour for ‘Kaharagian Yellow’ will foster coherence, uniformity, and honour in its depiction, utilization, and reproduction;

And WHEREAS, the recognition of practical limitations in colour reproduction necessitates accommodating flexibility and guidance to ensure a respectful and accurate rendering of the said colour;

Now, THEREFORE, We, in Our Sovereign capacity, having considered these paramount factors and with the authority vested in Us, do hereby decree as follows:

Article I: Official Recognition of ‘Kaharagian Yellow’

1.1 We hereby designate and establish ‘Kaharagian Yellow’ as the official colour of the Principality of Kaharagia, represented by Pantone Matching System (PMS) colour 123 C.

1.2 ‘Kaharagian Yellow’ shall be faithfully used in all emblems, flags, symbols, and relevant paraphernalia representing Our noble realm.

Article II: Guidelines for Reproduction

2.1 The proper reproduction of ‘Kaharagian Yellow’ shall be guided by PMS 123 C, with the understanding that minor variations may occur due to limitations in colour reproduction technologies.

2.2 Any deviation in colour reproduction shall be handled with utmost diligence and respect, adhering to the closest achievable representation of PMS 123 C.

2.3 Guidelines shall be provided by the appropriate governmental bodies to assist entities in the proper usage and reproduction of ‘Kaharagian Yellow’.

Article III: Enactment and Implementation

3.1 This decree shall take effect immediately upon its promulgation with our sign-manual and Great Seal of Kaharagia affixed.

3.2 All subjects of the realm, governmental bodies, institutions, and other entities shall adhere to this decree.

3.3 All the relevant authorities shall ensure the successful execution of this decree, commencing its functions forthwith.

GIVEN under Our Hand and the Great Seal of Our Principality, at Our Court in Detroit, This 12th day of February, in the year of Our Lord Two Thousand and Twenty-Three, and the Thirteenth of Our reign.

(L.S) Maximilian P.

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