Article I establishes the Royal Chancellery, defining its function to oversee the formatting, publication, and standards of Royal Decrees, Directives, Laws, and Letters Patent, and designating the Secretary of the Royal Chancellery as the head and Keeper of the Great Seal. Article II sets the structural hierarchy of the Royal Chancellery, with the Secretary at the helm, followed by the Clerk of the Royal Chancellery, and mandates that the office reports directly to the Sovereign, while also maintaining the Official Journal of the Principality of Kaharagia and the website KahaLex. Article III presumably expands upon the specific roles, duties, or protocols of the Royal Chancellery, but the exact details would need to be provided or clarified.
WHEREAS, We discern the need to streamline the proper formatting, publication, and standards of Royal Decrees, Directives, Laws, and Letters Patent;
And WHEREAS, the establishment of an office to oversee and ensure such standards and procedures will significantly contribute to the efficiency, integrity, and nobility of the administrative machinery of Our noble realm of Kaharagia;
And WHEREAS, the necessity to preserve and maintain the Official Journal of the Principality of Kaharagia, and its website, KahaLex, requires the meticulous management and oversight of a specialized institution;
Now, THEREFORE, We, in Our Sovereign capacity, having considered these paramount factors and with the authority vested in Us, do hereby decree as follows:
Article I: Establishment of the Royal Chancellery
1.1 We hereby establish the Royal Chancellery, an office of the Principality of Kaharagia, to work with various facets of the Kaharagian government and society to ensure proper formatting, publication, and standards of Royal Decrees, Directives, Laws, and Letters Patent.
1.2 The Royal Chancellery shall report directly to Us, the Sovereign, and shall be responsible for maintaining the Official Journal of the Principality of Kaharagia and its website, KahaLex.
Article II: Leadership and Structure of the Royal Chancellery
2.1 The Royal Chancellery shall be headed by the Secretary of the Royal Chancellery, who shall also be the Keeper of the Great Seal.
2.2 The second in charge in the Royal Chancellery shall be the Clerk of the Royal Chancellery, entrusted with assisting the Secretary and overseeing essential functions of the office.
2.3 Additional individuals may be assigned to the Royal Chancellery as required, following an appropriate selection process and in accordance with their qualifications and the needs of the office.
Article III: Responsibilities and Functions
3.1 The Royal Chancellery shall ensure the proper formatting, publication, and adherence to standards of all official documents issued by the Crown, including but not limited to Royal Decrees, Directives, Laws, and Letters Patent.
3.2 It shall maintain and preserve the Official Journal of the Principality of Kaharagia, ensuring its accuracy, integrity, and availability to the public.
3.3 The Royal Chancellery shall manage and maintain the official website of the Principality of Kaharagia, KahaLex, keeping it up to date and accessible to all subjects of the realm.
3.4 The office shall perform such other duties as may be assigned by the Sovereign or deemed necessary to fulfill its role within the structure of Our governance.
Article IV: Enactment and Enforcement
4.1 This decree shall take effect immediately upon its promulgation.
4.2 All subjects of the realm, court officials, and servants of the Crown shall adhere to this decree.
4.3 The execution of this decree shall be overseen by the relevant authorities and the Crown, with the Royal Chancellery commencing its functions forthwith.
GIVEN under Our Hand and the Great Seal of Our Principality, at Our Court in Detroit, This 1st day of August, in the year of Our Lord Two Thousand and Twenty-Three, and the Fourteenth of Our reign.