Royal Decree No. 2/2023 of the 12th of February 2023 on the establishment of the official Pantone color for ‘Kaharagian Yellow’ as PMS 123 C and addressing practical limitations in colour reproduction
In recognition of the cultural importance and symbolic significance of Kaharagian Yellow, the Principality of Kaharagia, through a royal decree, has designated this specific hue as its official color, represented by Pantone Matching System (PMS) color 123 C. Article I officially establishes ‘Kaharagian Yellow’ for use in emblems, flags, symbols, and other paraphernalia representing the realm. Article II outlines the guidelines for its proper reproduction, acknowledging that minor variations might occur due to technological limitations in color reproduction. It mandates handling any deviation with respect and adherence to the closest achievable representation of PMS 123 C, and calls for governmental bodies to assist with guidelines for the proper usage and reproduction of ‘Kaharagian Yellow’.